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Lunchtime Webinar with Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell

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Trinity Women Graduates and Women in Research Ireland (WIRI) are excited to present this joint event with Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell. Dame Bell Burnell is a very significant figure not only in her own field (astrophysics) but to women in research as one of the founders of the Athena SWAN scheme.

Join us on 29th May at 1pm online for what is sure to be an inspiring hour.

As a postgraduate in Cambridge Dame Bell Burnell discovered radio pulsars, which resulted in her supervisor being awarded a Nobel Prize. She has subsequently worked in many roles in many branches of astronomy, working part-time while raising a family. She is now a Visiting Academic in Oxford, and the Chancellor of the University of Dundee, Scotland. She has been President of the UK’s Royal Astronomical Society, in 2008 became the first female President of the Institute of Physics for the UK and Ireland, and in 2014 the first female President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

The public appreciation and understanding of science have always been important to her, and she is much in demand as a speaker and broadcaster. In her spare time, she gardens, listens to choral music and is active in the Quakers. She has co-edited an anthology of poetry with an astronomical theme – ‘Dark Matter; Poems of Space’.

This is a free event, book your ticket here.

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